måndag 5 januari 2009

The year that was 2008! January-March

So this hasn't been updated for ages/evigheter. I guess it really was the calm before the storm that raged from nov 3 until now! A lot has happened since i last put my fingers to the qwerty keyboard and documented our domestic bliss. I thought that seeing as we have a new year and all that, maybe it is time for a quick run-through of 2008...in pictures! Hope you all had a merry Christmas and wish you all a safe and happy new 2009!

2007 ended with the surprise arrival of mormor and auntie C Boxing Day morning! Wonderful and totally surprising for both me and the children...J managed to keep a secret!

And then the waiting started...we waited for the baby to arrive...and had to wait days and days:)

Then, finally, our little E came to us in a hurry, on the 24th of January!

February was a 'dark' month when everyone was sick. Conjutivitis and influensa and coughs and sniffles. Little E ended up in hosital for two days with RS-virus, only 2 weeks old. It was horrible.

A proud big sister with her little treasure home from hospital!

Darth was there to protect us!

March was filled with being healthy, spending time with friends and family and travel. Mormor and auntie C headed up to far northern Sweden and then it was time for E's christening, held in Arvidsjaurs beautiful church.
Bedtime for me, tomorrow I will hopefully finish this. One more day of holidays then it is back to work...
Love and hugs/ A

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ohhhh, Dart Vader i egen hög person! Fasen vad häftigt! Har han tittat på Clone Wars serien på Cartoon Network?

Ha det bra där uppe!

Hälsningar Andreas (Tidigare Umebo men nu i Skåne)

Little mummy sa...

Clone Wars serien sågs för nåt år sedan...C älskade den!

Hoppas ni har det finfint i skåne!